Limited Time Offer| Catamaran Sailing Flexi 2 Hours
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- Confirm in 24 hrs
Availability updated daily
The Special Night on the French Blue Catamaran Cruise
This is an excellent opportunity to experience a magical night on the Victoria Harbour aboard a stylish French-designed blue catamaran.
The elegant blue catamaran features a modern and sophisticated design, blending French elegance with a contemporary flair. On board, you can admire the sparkling skyline of Hong Kong's iconic waterfront as well as the passing cruise ships and small vessels, immersing yourself in the unique ambiance of this international metropolis.
The cruise lasts approximately 2 hours, during which you can savor specially curated delicacies and beverages, allowing you to enjoy the perfect pairing of fine food and breathtaking views.
This flexible 2-hour optional programme is perfect for couples, families or friends who want to create a great night out together. Booking in advance is recommended to secure your spot as space is limited.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. Wishing you an unforgettable evening!
Amenities / Svcs
*The route of the boat may be affected by the weather on the day. We do not guarantee the boat will follow the decided route.
We will give you a quotation for customize route, please place a booking first, we will reply ASAP
If you want to decide the route later, you can only go on board in HK island & KowloonAmenities / Svcs
Water Activities
F & B
Other Fee
{{ discount.discountName }} - ${{ discount.priceDeductForThisDiscount }}
Total Discount - ${{ price.totalDiscount }}
Extra Services ${{ extraServicesTotalCost }}
F & B ${{ cartTotal }}
Amount Due Now({{ (price.rentDownPercentage / 1) }}%) {{ price.target_currency_symbol }}{{ rentDown + cartTotal }}
Remaining({{ (100 - price.rentDownPercentage) }}%) {{ price.target_currency_symbol }}{{ rentRemain }}
Estimated price Total Price {{ price.target_currency_symbol }}{{ roundNumber(price.price + extraServicesTotalCost + cartTotal - creditAmountDiscount) }}up Please contact us for quotation
This booking will earn you {{ Math.floor((rentDown + rentRemain + cartTotal) * price.creditMultiplier / price.credit_rate) }} Credits
Holimood Points will be credited within one week after experience completion