British Style Yacht Charter Package
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- Confirm in 24 hrs
Availability updated daily
The new Predator 74 has all the hallmarks of greatness. Striking style, remarkable power and an innovative use of light and space.
This latest Sunseeker can accommodate whatever your lifestyle desires. Lazy afternoons soaking up the sun on her spacious exterior decks or putting her through her paces at speeds up to 40 knots across the blue waters. The new Predator 74 has been built without compromise and without equal.
- Luxury yacht well-equipped with different facilities. Equipped with audio system, this yacht is perfect for parties and just relaxing on board.
- Can add catering service. Please refer to extra services.
- Maximum capacity is 15 pax plus 1 Captain and 1 deckhand.
- Price indicated is for an 8 hour rental. Boarding time is not fixed. For a more accurate price, please feel free to contact us.
- Price will vary according to the sailing route. Please contact us for quotation.
Weekend: HK$110,000.00 up
Payment Arrangement
*The route of the boat may be affected by the weather on the day. We do not guarantee the boat will follow the decided route.
We will give you a quotation for customize route, please place a booking first, we will reply ASAP
If you want to decide the route later, you can only go on board in HK island & Kowloon,Southern DistrictAmenities / Svcs
Water Activities
F & B
Other Fee
{{ discount.discountName }} - ${{ discount.priceDeductForThisDiscount }}
Total Discount - ${{ price.totalDiscount }}
Extra Services ${{ extraServicesTotalCost }}
F & B ${{ cartTotal }}
Amount Due Now({{ (price.rentDownPercentage / 1) }}%) {{ price.target_currency_symbol }}{{ rentDown + cartTotal }}
Remaining({{ (100 - price.rentDownPercentage) }}%) {{ price.target_currency_symbol }}{{ rentRemain }}
Estimated price Total Price {{ price.target_currency_symbol }}{{ roundNumber(price.price + extraServicesTotalCost + cartTotal - creditAmountDiscount) }}up Please contact us for quotation
This booking will earn you {{ Math.floor((rentDown + rentRemain + cartTotal) * price.creditMultiplier / price.credit_rate) }} Credits
Holimood Points will be credited within one week after experience completion