Sai Kung Day Charter Junk Boat
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- Confirm in 24 hrs
Availability updated daily
● 西貢遊艇,船河之選,適合不同類型水上派對及家庭活動。
● 水上玩具:充氣滑梯/浮毯/充氣彈床/三選二。
● 船上設冷氣,卡啦OK,麻雀,啤牌 ETC
● 包水上玩具:快艇﹑滑水﹑香蕉船。
● 船上配備優質戶外及室內音響系統 卡啦ok 麻雀 等等,設備齊全。
● 最多可容納35人,可於西貢碼頭上落船。
● 價錢已包括船家親自烹調美味食物套餐,未包括飲品。
● 本船絕不前往大浪西及浪茄。
● 回程會提前15分鐘靠岸。
Weekend: HK$15,800.00 up
Child charges
Payment Arrangement
Amenities / Svcs
*The route of the boat may be affected by the weather on the day. We do not guarantee the boat will follow the decided route.
We will give you a quotation for customize route, please place a booking first, we will reply ASAP
If you want to decide the route later, you can only go on board in Sai KungAmenities / Svcs
Water Activities
F & B
Other Fee
{{ discount.discountName }} - ${{ discount.priceDeductForThisDiscount }}
Total Discount - ${{ price.totalDiscount }}
Extra Services ${{ extraServicesTotalCost }}
F & B ${{ cartTotal }}
Amount Due Now({{ (price.rentDownPercentage / 1) }}%) {{ price.target_currency_symbol }}{{ rentDown + cartTotal }}
Remaining({{ (100 - price.rentDownPercentage) }}%) {{ price.target_currency_symbol }}{{ rentRemain }}
Estimated price Total Price {{ price.target_currency_symbol }}{{ roundNumber(price.price + extraServicesTotalCost + cartTotal - creditAmountDiscount) }}up Please contact us for quotation
This booking will earn you {{ Math.floor((rentDown + rentRemain + cartTotal) * price.creditMultiplier / price.credit_rate) }} Credits
Holimood Points will be credited within one week after experience completion